
Kitten Contract

Licensed Cattery Purchase Agreement

This purchase agreement is a legally binding contract for the sale of a kitten /cat as fully described in this document, between Romanov Dynasty Cattery – RomanovCats (the SELLER) and the BUYER listed below as entered into on this _______ day of March, 2025.

Buyer: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________________________E-mail______________________________________________________________


City: ______________________________________ State:_______________Zip:___________________

How did you hear about us: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Description of Kitten/Cat:


Breed: Siberian    Color:________________________________________
Sex:  Male \ Female
Sire: __________________________________________________________
Dame: ________________________________________________________
Price: $2,200_________________________________________________
Deposit: $ 300________________________________________________

Balance Due: $_____________________________________________

  1. Romanov Dynasty Cattery requires a $300.00 non-refundable deposit to reserve a kitten which is to be deducted from the total purchase price. All payments are to be made in the form of Venmo, PayPal, Zelle or Cash. When making a payment via Venmo or PayPal, please add additional 3% for PayPal fees. No personal checks are accepted. If the buyer having put a deposit on a kitten/cat should later change their mind about the purchase, the deposit will not be refunded.
  2. Kittens must be picked up at our cattery or can be shipped within USA for additional charge. Buyer is responsible for arranging the kitten shipping and all shipping and delivery fees incurred. Romanov Dynasty Cattery cannot be held responsible for illness, injury, or death acquired as a result of shipping or transporting the kitten/cat.
  3. Seller is not responsible for any vet bills incurred once kitten is in the buyer’s possession. The Buyer may have the kitten/cat checked by licensed veterinarian of the Buyers own preference within a period of 72 hours after the date of sale or upon kitten/cat arrival.  If, within this 72-hour period, the cat is deemed by the Buyer’s licensed veterinarian to be sick/unsuitable for adoption based on veterinarian written certification and justification (test results, X-rays, DNA testing, etc.) the kitten/cat can be returned to the Seller at Buyer’s expense for the refund of kitten price minus $300 reservation deposit.  Upon kitten’s return, the refund will be issued to the buyer.
  4. Buyer agrees to have the kitten spayed/neutered and notify the seller within 7 months of the kitten age. If a kitten is not spayed/neutered, seller will enforce breach of contract, assess a penalty for $2,500 and charge breeding price $4,700. In such an event buyer agreeing to pay all attorney’s fees incurred by Romanov Dynasty Cattery. Seller (breeder) also has the right to fix any kitten sold as a pet prior to he/she leaves our home.
  1. The seller is to have completed all of the appropriate required vaccinations and de-worming prior to shipping or release of the kitten to the seller. All Romanov Dynasty Cattery cats have been tested for and found to Not have FELV or the FIV Viruses. Due to the possible side effects to certain vaccines that may pose as a health risk to our kittens we do not immunize for FIP (feline infectious peritonitis), Feline Leukemia (FELV), Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), Ringworm, Giardia and Chlamydia and if the buyer choices to vaccinate against any of these the seller does not warranty kitten against any adverse reactions to future vaccinations.
  2. Kittens are guaranteed against congenital defects up until one year of age. If a kitten becomes deceased within this period from a congenital defect, it will be replaced by one of equal value or buyer will be put at the top of reservation/waiting list. Licensed veterinarian autopsy result stating a congenital defect is required.
  3. The buyers accept responsibility to provide proper housing and diet, fresh water and general health care, including the completion of immunizations plus yearly boosters and prompt veterinary care for any illness or condition requiring medication or surgery. Buyer is bound by all conditions set forth in this contract
  4. Buyer understands that hypoallergenic qualities of the Siberians are not a guaranty and have not been proven scientifically. Siberians have a lower-than-average occurrence of FelD1 (allergen) in their saliva which makes them less allergic.
  5. In the event the buyer(s) can no longer care for this cat/kitten for any reason it is suggested that the cat/kitten be returned to the breeder if breeder agrees. No refund or compensations will be made to the buyer. If the breeder does agree to accept the cat/kitten back the cat/kitten must be examined and tested by a licensed veterinarian and all medical records along with CFA papers will be transferred back to the breeder (ownership will automatically revert back to the breeder if cat/kitten is returned for any reason). If for any reason the breeder cannot take back the cat/kitten we will be most helpful in finding the cat/kitten a new forever home!
  6. Buyer agrees that under No circumstances shall the kitten/cat be de-clawed or tattooed.
  7. NOTICE The sale of dogs and cats is subject to the provisions of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (§ 59.1-196 et seq.). In the event that a licensed veterinarian certifies (written certification base on test results) your animal to be unfit for purchase within 10 days following receipt of your animal, or within 14 days following receipt if the animal is infected with parvovirus, you may choose: (i) to return your animal, or in the case of an animal that has died, the veterinary certification, and receive a refund of the purchase price minus reservation deposit; or (ii) to return the animal and receive an exchange animal of your choice of equivalent value. In order to exercise these rights you must present a written veterinary certification that the animal is unfit to the pet dealer within three business days after receiving such certification. If the pet dealer has promised to register your animal or to provide the papers necessary therefor and fails to do so within 120 days following the date of contract, you are entitled to return the animal and receive a refund of the purchase price (minus $300 reservation deposit) or to retain the animal and receive a refund of an amount not to exceed 50 percent of the purchase price.”B. Any violation of this section shall also constitute a prohibited practice under § 59.1-200 and shall be subject to the enforcement provisions of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (§ 59.1-196 et seq.).1984, c. 492, § 29-213.51; 1987, c. 488, § 3.1-796.81; 2008, c. 860; 2014, c. 448; 2020, c. 412.
  8. A signature and date entered below indicates full agreement to ALL terms and conditions set forth in this contract. There are no other warranties or guarantees provided (verbal or implied) other than those specifically outlined herein. Any changes or additions to this contract must be initialed and dated by all parties involved. The below signed considers this document to be legally binding.

Buyer: ____________________________________Date: ________________

Seller: ____________________________________Date: _______________